Welcome! Thank you for checking out Squashbucklers.
What is a squashbuckler you ask?
Drawing from the term swashbuckler, a squashbuckler is someone who finds a sense of fulfillment in travel, has an active environmental and social conscience, and appreciates silly words ?.
So, if you fit that description in any way, then welcome aboard!
Who is this site for?
Newbies who want to become more “sustainable” or “earth-friendly” in their everyday actions, but need a place to start
Everydayers who have routines in certain aspects of sustainability, but want some extra knowledge and help expanding
Old-Timers who have been on the earth-friendly path for a while who are looking for new inspiration or to add their knowledge
You! Wherever you’re at, if you care at all about helping to create a healthier world, this site is for you!

Who am I?
I’m Leah, a semi-recent college grad without a super clear direction in life. I have a passion for learning how to regenerate the earth and making it easy for newbies to do the same, so I decided to combine my love of research, technology, ethical marketing, travel, caring for the earth, and building community to create the World of Squashbuckling, or Squashbucklers.
Who I’m not.
I am not an expert. Although I try to use the most trustworthy sources and provide objective facts, I’m still learning and unlearning too. So, please let me know if something I’m sharing doesn’t seem quite right or feels harmful. We need everyone’s voice and perspective in order to fully understand and respond to issues.
You still haven’t told me what this site’s about though….
Right. Here we have, or will soon have:
Blogs from a previous road trip spent WWOOFing around the US and Canada
Earth-related experiences (ex. learning ecosystem restoration at a ranch in Mexico)
City Guides
Currently there is a guide to the natural food coops around Minneapolis/St. Paul area. This series will be expanding!
See high-quality products I use when traveling and in everyday life!
And….whatever else you want to see or know about related to living for the environment, food waste, regenerative agriculture, reducing plastic, or WWOOFing. I want this to be a helpful place, so send in your suggestions! New information and articles will be added regularly.