Outdoor Gear
Disclaimer: If you choose to purchase a product through one of these links, Amazon or another company may pay me a small commission at no additional cost to you.
If you can purchase these items at a local retailer, I strongly encourage you to do so!
This small amount of money will probably go towards buying a fair-trade and organic coffee at a locally owned cafe where I like to work on this website.

Kelty Dirt Motel 2 Tent
The Dirt Motel 2 Tent by Kelty is the upgrade to the version I have, and I cannot say enough about its ease of use. Everything is color-coordinated, so setup can be done in a few minutes. There are openings on either side, so there’s no need to roll on top of your friend just to get out. It is technically a two-person tent, and in my experience, it can fit two straight-size people of average height if you’re comfortable being just a bit cozy.

Biolite Campstove & Charger
I use my Biolite every time I camp. In the morning, use the kettle to boil water for oatmeal, brew some delicious coffee with the extra french press, then toast your bagels over the embers. In the evening, whip up some soup or hot chocolate. It’s fueled with biomass around you (twigs and sticks), and charges a battery with the energy, which you can then use to charge your devices.

ENO SingleNest Hammock
Like relaxing under the trees? The Eagle Nest Outfitters SingleNest Hammock is the most well-known and easy to setup. Purchase the additional straps, or use ropes. If you like sleeping under the stars, consider getting a bug net to attach.