Home Goods
Disclaimer: If you choose to purchase a product through one of these links, Amazon or another company may pay me a small commission at no additional cost to you.
If you can purchase these items at a local retailer, I strongly encourage you to do so!
This small amount of money will probably go towards buying a fair-trade and organic coffee at a locally owned cafe where I like to work on this website.
Imperfect Foods Box
> $10 off your first order <
(If you choose to use this link, I will receive a commission for my orders. Thank you!)

Imperfect Foods Box
If you want to help cut back on food waste in the US, think about getting a box from Imperfect Foods. Filter their options for “Imperfect” food and you’ll get to fill your box with food that would have been discarded otherwise. I’ve gotten several boxes and am always excited to see what my “imperfect” veggies look like. Some are huge, some a tiny, some have little spots – but all are delicious and perfectly edible!
If you want $10 off your first box, use this link.
I will will receive a commission in return for my orders – thank you!!

Organic Cotton Produce Bags
You know those green plastic bags they have near the produce at the grocery store? Try these instead! They’re made of organic cotton, come in different sizes, and best of all, resuable. Use them to buy items in bulk sections like grains and nuts, in addition to produce items. Give them a wash and put them back in your grocery shopping bin with other resuables.

Who Gives a Crap Toilet Paper
Who Gives a Crap? Isn’t that the best name for a toilet paper company? Well the fun doesn’t stop there, besides wrapping each roll in a colorful paper, rest assured knowing all of it is 100% recycled, or bamboo if you’re fancy. They even donate 50% of their profits to organizations building toilets and sanitation facilities to people who need them. Seriously, they’re awesome. Sign up for a subscription, or order once. My family has been receiving WGAC toilet paper for a while now, and I’m not gonna lie, delivery day brings an embarrassing level of excitement.
If you want $10 off your first order, use this link.
In return, I’ll receive an equal discount – more toilet paper for everyone!

Berkey Travel Water Filter
This travel Berkey is a lifesaver when your water is too hard or dirty to drink. On our road trip, my sister and I used it to remove the unpalatable mineral water at one of the farms, and clarify the water at our camp sites. Using carbon filters, the Berkey is one of the best out there, removing 99.999% of viruses, pesticides, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and basically every other toxin (plus fluoride if you get the extra filters!).

Stojo Collapsible Travel Mug
Usually I’m skeptical about things like this, because it seems too good to be true, (a cup that collapses and doesn’t leak, say what?), but I thought I’d try and it really is everything I’ve wanted. Keep it in your purse, pocket or bag so it’s always handy. Make sure to give a rinse when you’re done, then fold it back up! Most coffee shops will give a discount for bringing your own mug, so at some point, it will pay for itself. What more could you want?

Excalibur Food Dehydrator
Got a bountiful harvest in your garden? Bought too much produce from the farmers’ market? Your bananas are ripening too quickly? Want to make your own dehydrated camp meals? This widely-used Excalibur dehydrator is the answer to these situations. I’ve made banana and apple chips, fruit roll-ups, deydrated herb mixes, and more!