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Hello World,

This is Leah, a semi-employed recent college graduate currently residing in the beautiful state of Minnesota. My sister Claire and I are planning to road-trip around the United States for a few months, starting July of 2018, so we started this blog to keep a record of the process! We hope to share how we’re preparing, what we’re learning, tips and tricks, and the thoughts and stories of the people we meet.

Cross Country Road Trip Planning

Our main goal for the trip is to live and work on organic farms around the country, experiencing and learning all we can to better understand the current health of the planet and the role we play in affecting it, and how to grow and increase access to healthy food. We also want to enter into different cultures, and meet some super cool people! The organization WWOOF, which stands for World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, allows us to do just that! Becoming a WWOOFer means you can stay and be fed at the homes of farmers and gardeners all over the world in exchange for some daily work. We’ve never been able to try it out, but we’re excited for the opportunity!

When we’re not WWOOFing, we hope to be touring the towns we’re in, going for hikes, camping, eating good food, hanging out with new friends, and visiting must-see sites. Right now, our route is only loosely planned out, so there’s a lot of work to do!

If anyone has any ideas of places to go, farms to stay at, restaurants to eat at or experiences to try, please let us know! We’d also like to get any other advice related to road-tripping, WWOOFing, and general traveling.

We hope you join us on this adventure!


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